Last night we went all the way up to Merrimac, Wisconsin to see their excellent July 3rd fireworks. We're already talking about doing it again for 2010 (that rhymes; get used to it). One minor issue I had was the soundtrack: all Pink Floyd (with one AC/DC song during the finale). Isn't it strange they chose to play no American music during the Independence Day fireworks? I'll note their pre-fireworks soundtrack included American music from Michael Jackson, the Grateful Dead, Bert & Ernie, and Francis Scott Key.
Here's my suggestion for an all Pink Floyd fireworks soundtrack that I would like to see, not repeating any of the songs the Merrimac folks used last night. For those wondering, the finale would be during "Sheep" and they would play "Echoes" (possibly twice) for everyone sitting in their idling cars, waiting in line to get back on the road.
19 hours ago
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